Brian’s services include a variety of program styles to meet your needs. Each program may be customized to be delivered in the following formats:
- Keynote
- Breakout session
- Half-day workshop
- Full-day workshop
- Webinar
The following are titles and descriptions of Brian’s two most requested programs:
Work-life Balance. Lost it? Get it back!
Ask the average person nowadays how they are doing and they will usually say “I’m just so _____!” Our work environments are often fast-paced and hectic, we are continually being asked to do more with less. Our home environments can, at times, be overwhelming as well with running children to numerous practices and events, to taking care of the yard or completing house related projects. When was the last time you really felt at peace or felt centered and full of joy? How are you at controlling stress in your life? Would you like to laugh more, eat healthier and sleep better? Would you like to have a better relationship with your spouse, partner, kids or your friends? This presentation will explore a number of practical strategies you can use to regain a healthy balance in your life!
Is Laughter Really the Best Medicine? Give Yourself Permission to Laugh More and Improve Your Overall Health.
We live in a hectic and fast-paced society. Many diseases and physical conditions are directly related to negative consequences of stress. Is it true that laughter is good for you? The research evidence is now overwhelming, laughter helps connect us with other people, improves our mood, decreases pain, reduces stress, and can even help protect us from having a heart attack. This informative and entertaining session will give you permission to laugh more and change your life!